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Update README.md to use new configuration file name
Hugo has now changed the default configuration file name to "hugo" and they are also suggesting users to rename them. This change will hopefully help new users who are just getting started.

2023-06-02 21:20:23 +05:30

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Paper 6.14

Demo → hugo-paper.vercel.app

A simple, clean, flexible Hugo theme.

Fast | 📸 Fluent | 🫙 Smooth

Product Hunt: producthunt.com/posts/hugo-paper-6

Hugo themes: themes.gohugo.io/hugo-paper



Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run:

git submodule add https://github.com/nanxiaobei/hugo-paper themes/paper

Open config.toml or hugo.toml, change theme to "paper":

theme = "paper"

For more information, please read the official guide of Hugo.


Available options to config.toml or hugo.toml:

disqusShortname = 'YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTNAME'   # use disqus comments

  # color style
  color = 'linen'                           # linen, wheat, gray, light

  # header social icons
  twitter = 'YOUR_TWITTER_ID'               # twitter.com/YOUR_TWITTER_ID
  github = 'YOUR_GITHUB_ID'                 # github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ID
  instagram = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID'           # instagram.com/YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID
  mastodon = 'YOUR_MASTODON_LINK'           # e.g. 'https://mastodon.instance/@xxx'
  rss = true                                # show rss icon

  # home page profile
  avatar = 'GRAVATAR_EMAIL'                 # gravatar email or image url
  name = 'YOUR_NAME'
  bio = 'YOUR_BIO'

  # misc
  disableHLJS = true                        # disable highlight.js
  monoDarkIcon = true                       # show monochrome dark mode icon
  gravatarCdn = 'GRAVATAR_CDN_LINK'         # e.g. 'https://cdn.v2ex.com/gravatar/'
  graphCommentId = "YOUR_GRAPH_COMMENT_ID"  # use graph comment (disqus alternative)
  math = true                               # enable KaTex math typesetting globally

Available options to front matter:

comments = false                            # disable comments for a specific page
math = true                                 # enable KaTex math typesetting for a specific page


MIT License (c) nanxiaobei


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