esphome: name: unhb-uhr esp8266: board: d1_mini # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "HzC8U2bilNubXw3t8wA1iH7+5LtNJ+kFY60WcU7NleE=" ota: password: "a834c6d49c662e76ccac1e4d52c217cc" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet: dns1: # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Unhb-Uhr Fallback Hotspot" password: "VRduM2tepC49" captive_portal: web_server: port: 80 mqtt: broker: topic_prefix: uhr/01 time: - platform: sntp id: sntp_time light: - platform: neopixelbus type: GRBW variant: SK6812 pin: GPIO2 num_leds: 19 name: "NeoPixel Light" gamma_correct: 1.7 method: type: esp8266_uart bus: 1 async: false effects: - addressable_scan: - addressable_color_wipe: - addressable_rainbow: - addressable_fireworks: - addressable_lambda: name: "Uhr-Sek-Zufall" update_interval: 1000ms lambda: |- // it.size() - Number of LEDs // it[num] - Access the LED at index num. // Set the LED at num to the given r, g, b values // it[num] = Color(r, g, b); // Get the color at index num (Color instance) // it[num].get(); // Example: Simple color wipe for (int i = it.size()-1 ; i >= 0; i--) { it[i] = Color::random_color(); } // it[0] = Color::random_color(); // Bonus: use .range() and .all() to set many LEDs without having to write a loop. // it.range(0, 50) = Color::BLACK; // it.all().fade_to_black(10); - addressable_lambda: name: "Uhr-Sekunden" update_interval: 1000ms lambda: |- auto sek_offset=9; // it.size() - Number of LEDs // it[num] - Access the LED at index num. // Set the LED at num to the given r, g, b values // it[num] = Color(r, g, b); // Get the color at index num (Color instance) // it[num].get(); auto time = id(sntp_time).now(); // Example: Simple color wipe for (int i = it.size()-1 ; i >= 0; i--) { it[i] = Color(0,0,0); } auto center=time.second%it.size();; it[(center)]=Color(255,0,0); // it[0] = Color::random_color(); // Bonus: use .range() and .all() to set many LEDs without having to write a loop. // it.range(0, 50) = Color::BLACK; // it.all().fade_to_black(10); - addressable_lambda: name: "Uhr-Sekunden-Linie" update_interval: 500ms lambda: |- auto time = id(sntp_time).now(); auto sek_offset=9; int sek, i; it.range(0, it.size()) = Color::BLACK; sek = time.second*19; i=0; while(sek>=60) { it[i] = Color(255,0,0); sek-=60; i++; } if (sek!=0) it[i] = Color(sek*4, 0, 0); - addressable_lambda: name: "Uhr-Sekunden-Punkt" update_interval: 1000ms lambda: |- auto time = id(sntp_time).now(); auto sek_offset=9; int sek, i; it.range(0, it.size()) = Color::BLACK; sek = time.second*19; i=sek/60; sek=sek%60; if (sek!=0) { it[i] = Color((sek*4)+10, 0, 0); it[(i+it.size()-1)%it.size()] = Color((60-sek)*4+10, 0, 0); } else { it[i] = Color(255, 0, 0); }