Paper 6.18

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A simple, clean, customizable Hugo theme. ⚡️ Fast | 👒 Customizable (`linen` ░ `wheat` ░ `gray` ░ `light`) | 🫙 Smooth
--- ## Links Product Hunt: []( Hugo themes: []( ## Overview ![](./images/screenshot.png) ![](./images/screenshot_dark.png) ![](./images/screenshot_mobile.png) ![](./images/pagespeed.png) ## Options Available options to `config.toml` or `hugo.toml`: ```toml disqusShortname = 'YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTNAME' # use disqus comments [params] # color style color = 'linen' # linen, wheat, gray, light # header social icons twitter = 'YOUR_TWITTER_ID' # github = 'YOUR_GITHUB_ID' # instagram = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID' # linkedin = 'YOUR_LINKEDIN_ID' # mastodon = 'YOUR_MASTODON_LINK' # e.g. 'https://mastodon.instance/@xxx' rss = true # show rss icon # home page profile avatar = 'GRAVATAR_EMAIL' # gravatar email or image url name = 'YOUR_NAME' bio = 'YOUR_BIO' # misc disableHLJS = true # disable highlight.js monoDarkIcon = true # show monochrome dark mode icon gravatarCdn = 'GRAVATAR_CDN_LINK' # e.g. '' graphCommentId = "YOUR_GRAPH_COMMENT_ID" # use graph comment (disqus alternative) math = true # enable KaTex math typesetting globally ``` Available options to front matter: ```toml comments = false # disable comments for a specific page math = true # enable KaTex math typesetting for a specific page ``` ## Install Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run: ```bash git submodule add themes/paper ``` Open `config.toml` or `hugo.toml`, change `theme` to `"paper"`: ```toml theme = "paper" ``` For more information, please read the [official guide]( of Hugo. ## License [MIT License]( (c) [nanxiaobei]( ## FUTAKE Try [**FUTAKE**]( in WeChat. A mini app for your inspiration moments. 🌈 ![](