137 lines
4.1 KiB
137 lines
4.1 KiB
// DotStarTest
// This example will cycle between showing four pixels as Red, Green, Blue, White
// and then showing those pixels as Black.
// There is serial output of the current state so you can confirm and follow along
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelBrightnessBus.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include "defaults.h"
char* filename = "/Blink_center_getAngry.c";
RgbColor *c[16];
RgbColor black(0);
const uint16_t PixelCount = 128; // Currently we have a 2x 8x8 matrix connected
// make sure to set this to the correct pins
// SPI Hardware Pins: CLK=GPIO14=Pin12=D5 (orange), MOSI=GPIO13=Pin13=D7 (yellow)
NeoPixelBrightnessBus<DotStarBgrFeature, DotStarSpiMethod> strip(PixelCount);
//NeoPixelBus<DotStarBgrFeature, DotStarSpiMethod> strip(PixelCount);
void setup() {
while (!Serial); // wait for serial attach
Serial.println("Initializing everything..."); Serial.flush();
// this resets all the neopixels to an off state
Serial.println("Switching off all LEDs");
//Initialize File System
if(SPIFFS.begin()) {
Serial.println("SPIFFS Initialisierung....OK");
} else {
Serial.println("SPIFFS Initialisierung...Fehler!");
Serial.println("Loading default color map");
Serial.println("\nSwitch to running...");
// loading ColorMap into color objects
void loadColorMap(uint8_t cmap[]) {
for(int n=0; n<16; n++) {
c[n] = new RgbColor(cmap[n*3], cmap[n*3+1], cmap[n*3+2]);
// play a given sub-animation
void playBwAnimation(int animDelay, uint8_t anim[][8]) {
for(int frame=0; frame<7; frame++) {
for(int n=0; n<strip.PixelCount()/16; n++) {
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
if((anim[frame][n])&(1<<i)) {
strip.SetPixelColor(i*8+n, RgbColor(brightness));
strip.SetPixelColor(i*8+n+64, RgbColor(brightness));
else {
strip.SetPixelColor(i*8+n, RgbColor(0));
strip.SetPixelColor(i*8+n+64, RgbColor(0));
strip.Show(); delay(animDelay);
void playMapAnimation(int animDelay, uint8_t anim[][32]) {
for(int frame=0; frame<9; frame++) {
for(int n=0; n<strip.PixelCount()/4; n++) {
strip.SetPixelColor( 2*n , *c[(anim[frame][n]>>4 )] );
strip.SetPixelColor( 2*n+1, *c[(anim[frame][n]&0x0F)] );
strip.SetPixelColor( 64+2*n , *c[(anim[frame][n]>>4 )] );
strip.SetPixelColor( 64+2*n+1, *c[(anim[frame][n]&0x0F)] );
strip.Show(); delay(animDelay);
void loop() {
int aniSpeed=110;
Serial.println("Entering loop ...");
// turn off the pixels
Serial.println("All off ...");
playFile("/Blink_center.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Move_left.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Blink_left.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Move_left_center.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Blink_LSD_start.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed-40);
playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed-80); playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed-80);
playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed-40);
playFile("/LSD.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Blink_LSD_end.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Blink_center.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Move_right.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Blink_right.c", aniSpeed);
playFile("/Move_right_center.c", aniSpeed);
playWideFile("/Blink_center_getAngry_wide2.c", aniSpeed);
/*Serial.println("Animation test ...");
playBwAnimation(50, eye_move_cr); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_r); delay(5000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_r); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_move_rc); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_c); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_c); delay(4000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_c); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_move_cl); delay(3000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_blink_l); delay(2000);
playBwAnimation(50, eye_move_lc); delay(3000);
playMapAnimation(150, terminator);delay(3000);*/
Serial.println("Loop end ...");