
84 lines
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2023-09-24 12:54:20 +02:00
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TrafficLight - Traffic light
The traffic light was created to visualize the status of a Icinga monitored system.
When turned by 90°, it can be also used to create a bottle holder.
Created with Boxes.py (https://festi.info/boxes.py)
Creation date: 2023-09-24 07:33:20
Command line (remove spaces between dashes): boxes TrafficLight - -h=84 - -hole_dD=3.5:6.5 - -depth=84 - -shades=30 - -n=1
Url: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?FingerJoint_angle=90.0&FingerJoint_style=rectangular&FingerJoint_surroundingspaces=2.0&FingerJoint_bottom_lip=0.0&FingerJoint_edge_width=1.0&FingerJoint_extra_length=0.0&FingerJoint_finger=2.0&FingerJoint_play=0.0&FingerJoint_space=2.0&FingerJoint_width=1.0&h=84&hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&depth=84&shades=30&n=1&upright=0&upright=1&thickness=3.0&format=svg&tabs=0.0&qr_code=0&debug=0&labels=0&labels=1&reference=100&inner_corners=loop&burn=0.1&language=de&render=1
Url short: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?h=84&hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&depth=84&shades=30&n=1
SettingsUrl: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?FingerJoint_angle=90.0&FingerJoint_style=rectangular&FingerJoint_surroundingspaces=2.0&FingerJoint_bottom_lip=0.0&FingerJoint_edge_width=1.0&FingerJoint_extra_length=0.0&FingerJoint_finger=2.0&FingerJoint_play=0.0&FingerJoint_space=2.0&FingerJoint_width=1.0&h=84&hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&depth=84&shades=30&n=1&upright=0&upright=1&thickness=3.0&format=svg&tabs=0.0&qr_code=0&debug=0&labels=0&labels=1&reference=100&inner_corners=loop&burn=0.1&language=de
SettingsUrl short: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?h=84&hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&depth=84&shades=30&n=1
<dc:title>Misc - TrafficLight</dc:title>
<dc:date>2023-09-24 07:33:20</dc:date>
<dc:description>Traffic light
The traffic light was created to visualize the status of a Icinga monitored system.
When turned by 90°, it can be also used to create a bottle holder.
Created with Boxes.py (https://festi.info/boxes.py)
Command line: boxes TrafficLight --FingerJoint_angle=90.0 --FingerJoint_style=rectangular --FingerJoint_surroundingspaces=2.0 --FingerJoint_bottom_lip=0.0 --FingerJoint_edge_width=1.0 --FingerJoint_extra_length=0.0 --FingerJoint_finger=2.0 --FingerJoint_play=0.0 --FingerJoint_space=2.0 --FingerJoint_width=1.0 --h=84 --hole_dD=3.5:6.5 --depth=84 --shades=30 --n=1 --upright=0 --upright=1 --thickness=3.0 --format=svg --tabs=0.0 --qr_code=0 --debug=0 --labels=0 --labels=1 --reference=100 --inner_corners=loop --burn=0.1
Command line short: boxes TrafficLight --h=84 --hole_dD=3.5:6.5 --depth=84 --shades=30 --n=1
Url: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?FingerJoint_angle=90.0&amp;FingerJoint_style=rectangular&amp;FingerJoint_surroundingspaces=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_bottom_lip=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_edge_width=1.0&amp;FingerJoint_extra_length=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_finger=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_play=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_space=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_width=1.0&amp;h=84&amp;hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&amp;depth=84&amp;shades=30&amp;n=1&amp;upright=0&amp;upright=1&amp;thickness=3.0&amp;format=svg&amp;tabs=0.0&amp;qr_code=0&amp;debug=0&amp;labels=0&amp;labels=1&amp;reference=100&amp;inner_corners=loop&amp;burn=0.1&amp;language=de&amp;render=1
Url short: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?h=84&amp;hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&amp;depth=84&amp;shades=30&amp;n=1
SettingsUrl: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?FingerJoint_angle=90.0&amp;FingerJoint_style=rectangular&amp;FingerJoint_surroundingspaces=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_bottom_lip=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_edge_width=1.0&amp;FingerJoint_extra_length=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_finger=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_play=0.0&amp;FingerJoint_space=2.0&amp;FingerJoint_width=1.0&amp;h=84&amp;hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&amp;depth=84&amp;shades=30&amp;n=1&amp;upright=0&amp;upright=1&amp;thickness=3.0&amp;format=svg&amp;tabs=0.0&amp;qr_code=0&amp;debug=0&amp;labels=0&amp;labels=1&amp;reference=100&amp;inner_corners=loop&amp;burn=0.1&amp;language=de
SettingsUrl short: http://www.festi.info/boxes.py/TrafficLight?h=84&amp;hole_dD=3.5%3A6.5&amp;depth=84&amp;shades=30&amp;n=1
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<g id="p-2" style="fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;">
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<path d="M 73.400 538.502 H 70.500 C 70.400 538.502 70.500 538.602 70.500 538.502 V 535.702 C 70.500 535.602 70.400 535.702 70.500 535.702 H 76.300 C 76.400 535.702 76.300 535.602 76.300 535.702 V 538.502 C 76.300 538.602 76.400 538.502 76.300 538.502 H 73.400 Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,255)" stroke-width="0.20"/>
<path d="M 85.400 538.502 H 82.500 C 82.400 538.502 82.500 538.602 82.500 538.502 V 535.702 C 82.500 535.602 82.400 535.702 82.500 535.702 H 88.300 C 88.400 535.702 88.300 535.602 88.300 535.702 V 538.502 C 88.300 538.602 88.400 538.502 88.300 538.502 H 85.400 Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,255)" stroke-width="0.20"/>
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